Tuesday, 5 June 2012

My Spring/Summer Wardrobe Swap

So as England has finally recieved some warm weather i begin my twice yearly wardrobe swap. I hope every girl has these otherwise it affirms that i have far too many clothes.

This is how i look during the wardrobe swap...god i love this film and she is so me! Or me her.

I have all my seasonal clothes in vacu-bags (like these). This helps them stay nicely contained and my wardrobes neat. I love and hate this whole process equally! I love it because i re-discover gems that i packed away half a year ago and its always nice to be reminded of what you've got. I hate it because after all the discovering i'm usually too exhausted to put everything old away.

At this time of year i decide whether i really do need to keep everything...is this a timeless piece or is it just going to sit there next season unworn and sad. I Ebay, give to charity or just throw anything generally un-wearable! My top tips are below.

1. Set aside the time to do this, it takes effort and you need to be focused on the mission ahead.
2. Start sorting into piles - "keep", "sell" and "donate" and "toss". Be ruthless.
3. Always check the "keep" pile again. Think carefully about how frequently you wear each piece. Do you think you will use it again or do you want to hold on to it because it was expensive or has sentimental value? Only keep clothes that you will be sure to wear frequently otherwise what's the point?
4. Anything that stays in your wardrobe should be cleaned, pressed and ready to wear. Restitch loose hems and replace missing buttons to get these garments back to their best.
5. Put your clothes away in an organized fashion - seperate by colour, or by type. Whatever works best for you when you wake up late and just need to know what to wear. You will feel much better raiding a tidy one believe me. 
6. Last but not least make a shopping list. Are there any classic items missing that could be put with lots of old favourites. Do your everyday bits like socks/tights/underwear need replacing. A freshly organised and updated wardrobe is truley a joyous feeling. (Plus that Ebay money has to go somewhere right?!)

Check out my ebay page xxx (i'm hoping to get some spending money for my NYC trip!)

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